Srtm gis tutorial booklet

Have you transformed the data to a projected crs with horizontal units as meters such as utm. The standard format for elevation data in gis is a digital elevation model dem in raster. The srtm resulted in a 1 arc second dem about 30 m resolution but data covering areas outside the united states has been resampled to 3 arc seconds about 90 m resolution for our own good. Our research center is built around five broad science themes. Could you, please, give me some general guidelines, how to work with srtm data in arcgis desktop. An overview of the different versions is given in figure 2 in the srtm user guide. For example, we can display and generate elevation grid and contour for an area using srtm data. I have srtm elevation data which i would like to use in arcgis explorer. A map book is a collection of pages printed or exported together. Aug 31, 2015 hi all, my name is zdenek, i am a very novice in gis.

If you are an administrator on your computer, you can create local windows logins and use those. With most software packages, it is still necessary to have people to operate them to produce usable information. Basic workbook is an introductory text for learning arcgis for desktop. Downloaded using 30meter srtm tile downloader working with terrain data. On my previous tutorial, you can learn how to download srtm data from earthexplorer as well as using srtm downloader in qgis. Srtm mission can be found in farr and kobrick 2000.

All publications are available to purchase online and include topics that cover many areas of public and private endeavor including landuse planning, health care, education, business, government, and science. I just finished developing a tool for whitebox gat that will automatically download shuttle radar topography mission srtm digital elevation models dems from the usgs srtm ftp site. In many areas srtm data provide the only topographic data set available. The about and tutorial pages there provide a bunch of javascript code for getting the data into a. I filed a foia with the nga to get the data, they denied it. To work through the arcgis desktop tutorials, you need to install the tutorial data from the arcgis desktop tutorial data setup, which is part of the arcgis desktop installation download or media. The data was collected by a radar system flown onboard the space shuttle endeavour on from november 1122, 2000. Introduction to gis spatial data spatial statistics download resource materials. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm lp daac usgs. An examination of cartographic design is a cartographic classic by arthur h.

The spatial analyst toolbar is added to your arcmap session. Making a map qgis3 working with attributes qgis3 importing spreadsheets or csv files qgis3 basic vector styling qgis3 calculating line lengths and statistics qgis3 basic raster styling and analysis qgis3 raster mosaicing and clipping qgis3 working with terrain. This workbook presents gis tools and functionality, including querying interactive maps, collecting data, and running geoprocessing tools. As discussed previously in this tutorial, gis users may choose. Srtm data was acquired by the us shuttle in february 2000. If the tutorial data has been installed on your system, look for it in c. This article used srtm data to extract the river networks in lianyungang of china. It covers spatial data definitions, formats, and sources as well as metadata, and data management. Arcgis provides all the tools you need to create map books in printed or adobe pdf format.

Here i will show you how to export srtm data to elevation grid surfer grid which can be opened in other gis software such as mapinfo professional. Australia australia gis australia shapefile boundary shapefile bulgaria shapefile chile shapefile china china gis china shapefile costa rica cuba gis cuba shapefile datos abiertos datos abiertos argentina datos abiertos espana desa shapefile drone esa. Srtm in arcgis desktop geonet, the esri community gis and. Esri press publishes books on gis, cartography, and the application of spatial analysis to many areas of public and private endeavor including landuse planning, health care, education, business, government, science, and many others. Introduction to gis before getting started tntmips, tntview, and tntedit all offer a wide variety of tools for those working in the many fields that make use of geographic information systems gis. Gis tutorial 1 gorr and kurland basic workbook gis tutorial 1 basic workbook gis tutorial 1. If you are a gis newbie, i highly recommend using quantum gis. For the source value, enter the value within quotes, such as gtopo or ned30. The usgs hydrosheds program is in the process of deriving good hydrologic data from the srtm. Today, we are going to show you how to generate contour from online srtm data on global mapper. The florence bascom geoscience center fbgc is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public. Spatial data geographic information system gis tutorial. If the tutorial data has been installed on your system, look for it. To test your install, open a command line and cd to cd c.

This workbook presents gis tools and this workbook presents gis tools and functionality, including querying interactive maps, collecting data, and running geoprocessing tools. On september 23, 2014, the white house announced that the highestresolution topographic data generated from nasas shuttle radar topography mission srtm in 2000 was to be released globally by late 2015. Florence bascom geoscience center seminar series september 3, 2019. Creating a map book with facing pageshelp arcgis for. The exercises use the tutorial data distributed with arcgis. By combining arcgis tutorials with selfstudy exercises intended to gradually build upon basic skills, the gis tutorial 1 is fully adaptable to individual needs, as well as the classroom setting. Type show wo and verify you are in the right location. Then, youll add a map layer that shows evacuation routes. In this lesson, youll create a map that shows hurricane evacuation routes in houston, texas. The following material was drawn from a workshop on spatial data and spatial data sources given at mit during iap 2016. After you download, open qgis and we are going to open this data on qgis canvas for visualization.

Lastly, youll change the way your map and layers look to better display the data. Following a lengthy calibration and validation phase the 9 terabytes of raw data were processed continent by continent into digital topographic maps, and the last data set was delivered to nga in january, 2003. Because dems for nonus locations are much harder to find, srtm. Downloaded srtm tiles are in degrees horizontal units versus meters vertical units.

What is the best way to consume this data in arcgis explorer. Done the srtmgrid file will now process your hgt files to a georeferenced grid. Spatial analysis workbook is available in print isbn. More detail about the new tools and additions to arcgis 10. Allen, the gis manager for the city of euless, texas who also teachers gis at tarrant county college. The exercises require that you have write access to this data. Srtm3 data are among the best global elevation data, with a grid resolution of approximately 90 m. This tutorial covers obtaining the the raw output from the srtm interferometric radar processor which has various problems including areas of no data, ill. How to export srtm data to elevation grid file using. The list is the primary source for updates on software and license server issues, data acquisitions and workshop announcements. The dem used in this tutorial has been clipped to west timor. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data is digital elevation data. The web gis revolution is radically altering how information about the world around us is applied and shared. Spatial analysis workbook provides handson exercises for intermediatelevel gis users to build problemsolving and analysis skills.

Esri press gis tutorial 2 spatial analysis workbook. Basic workbook is a topselling introductory text for learning arcgis 10. Neither good for products that require accurate elevation data such as 3d. Esri press publishes books and tutorials on gis, cartography, and the application of spatial analysis. Nov 24, 2015 we can use srtm data for various purposes. Its january 1st and i made the new years resolution to post more this year. Creating a hillshade a hillshade is a shaded relief raster created by using an elevation raster and setting an illumination source typically the sun at a userspecified azimuth the angular direction of the illumination source, in positive. Improvements and updates include the ability to author vector tile maps and layers using arcgis pro and share them on arcgis online or arcgis for server and the inclusion of spatial analysis tools with arcgis for server. Gis tutorial 1 basic workbook 26 topology lecture 4 gis tutorial 1 basic workbook 27. How to generate contour from srtm data in qgis gis tutorial.

Extensions spatial analyst, 3d analyst for exact instructions on various functions. Extracting river networks of lianyungang city from srtm data. How to export srtm data to elevation grid file using global. So here is a short tutorial on how to download srtm s huttle radar topography mission 90m resolution data 3 arc seconds for an entire country using the raster and rgeos r packages basics download single srtm tile.

The purpose of this booklet is to acquaint you with the concepts and. Done the srtmgrid file will now process your hgt files to. Getting ready for the tutorial sign up for the gis l listserv the yale university gis l listserv is an internal university message system, devoted to gis use and issues at yale. Qgis training manual qgis documentation documentation. The mit gis services group at the mit libraries hosts a number of tutorial workshops throughout the year. Increase brain power, enhance intelligence, iq to improve, study music, binaural beats duration. Advanced workbook esri press, 2011, and esri press, forthcoming. Import and view digital elevation data saga gis tutorials. Florence bascom geoscience center seminar series september 10, 2019. Part of the advances in intelligent and soft computing book series ainsc. On my previous tutorial, we have learned how to open online srtm data on global mapper. Cannot be stored in a terrain xtin based surface based on measurements stored as features in a geodatabase.

Gtopo has a vertical accuracy ranging from 30 to 500 meters. The default installation location of the data is c. Geographic information system gis tutorial mit opencourseware. Many of the pages contain maps, but other pages may be dedicated to text, tabular information, tables of contents, or title pages, and other content. Hotosm users when hotosm installs, it sets the pythonpath variable under control panelsystemadvanced environment variables to. Click customize toolbars spatial analyst on the main menu. Each of the 10 big ideas is a chapter about how gis technology unlocks your data to reveal deeper insights and a better understanding of virtually. Music for body and spirit meditation music recommended for you. This resource gathers together some of those introductory workshop materials designed to accustom gis novices to the various available software packages and introduce them to some of the many features included in gis systems. For example, srtm may have a horizontal accuracy 20 meters and a vertical accuracy of 16 meters. Dec 20, 2010 downloaded srtm tiles are in degrees horizontal units versus meters vertical units. If you successfully copied the 2009 parcels to your tutorial data set, then in the catalog tree, delete the parcels2004 data set on your h.

Gis data as appropriate, but the relevant parts are done with the. The dem is produced from data the from the shuttle radar topographic mission srtm. Database servers use windowsauthenticated logins for authentication exclusively. This is your learnbydoing guide into arcgis, the powerful mapping and analysis system created by the geospatial pioneers of esri. The purpose of this booklet is to acquaint you with the concepts and tools required for the management and analysis of spatial data, which.

Nasa shuttle radar topography mission global 1 arc second provided by the land processes distributed active archive center lp daac. So here is a short tutorial on how to download srtm s huttle radar topography mission 90m resolution data 3 arc seconds for an entire country using the raster and rgeos r packages. Generally when you import an srtm tiff file the data will be stored as 16bit greyscale image, again each pixel contains the raw elevation value in metres. Topics include an introduction to two gis applications, spatial. Please join us on september 10th as randall orndorff discusses the north american stratigraphic code. Tagged nepal, nepal dem, nepal earthquake, nepal gis, open data nepal, srtm leave a comment why wont the nga finish the srtm1 delivery to the usgs. An important component of a successful gis is the people using the system. Mostly, you will get a zip file when you choose the bil and dted format. Space shuttle radar topography mission several srtm data versions and products are available.

Quantum gis has ability to view postgis data directly, do simple filters on it, is free, is crossplatform linux, windows, macosx,unix and is the least threatening of all the gis viewers i have seen out there for people new to gis. If you dont, youll need to copy the data to a location that you do have write access to. Basic workbook provides effective gis training in an easytofollow, stepbystep format. All places gis applications arcgis explorer desktop discussions log in to create and rate content, and to follow, bookmark, and share content with other members. He is the author of gis tutorial for python scripting esri press, 2014 and getting to know arcgis modelbuilder esri press, 2011 and the coauthor of gis tutorial 3. So, after we have srtm data loaded in qgis canvas, we can do many things such as generating contours from the srtm data. My target is to create shaded relief and to do some morphometry slope, aspect, flow lines. The workbook presents gis tools and functionality, including querying interactive maps, collecting data, and running geoprocessing tools. May 11, 2014 as an example, i created the srtm 3 90 m dem of the entire british isles shown above in 4 minutes, 56. So this tutorial is basically will show you how to generate contour from a srtm file. Synthetic aperture radars are sidelooking instruments and acquire data along continuous swaths. Getting ready for the tutorial sign up for the gisl listserv the yale university gisl listserv is an internal university message system, devoted to gis use and issues at yale.

Where to go in the help documentation to get quick insight into the matter. The srtm swaths extended from about 30 degrees offnadir to about 58 degrees offnadir from. The book was based on robinsons doctoral research which investigated the relationship between science and art in cartography and the resultant refinement of graphic techniques in mapmaking to present dynamic geographic information. I realize that this can be confusing because tiff files are generally used to store image data such as satellite images, where the pixels are often directly related to colour values.

Jplnasa version 1 srtm nonvoid filled, unedited elevation data us. Creating maps from srtm data tutorial shuttle radar topography mission srtm data is digital elevation data available for 80% of the world. First, youll create a map and locate houston, texas. Dted is a collection of various measurements, or was, and srtm is collected by nasa. Srtm version 1 and improved version 2 data sets can be downloaded from nasa at this site. Srtm in arcgis desktop geonet, the esri community gis.